Welcome to Bubble Blaster 3D TD

Game Overview: Dive into the fiery challenge of Bubble Blaster 3D TD, crafted for the Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2: Calm Before The Storm. This game was developed with my personal two years of Unity C# experience, alongside assistance from AI tools like ChatGPT and Grok for coding, ElevenLabs for sound effects, and self-made 3D art using Blender.

Game Description: In Bubble Blaster 3D TD, your mission is to protect the central Orb, a source of life force, from being extinguished by encroaching water bubbles. Set in a lava-filled environment, you must strategically place and upgrade towers on the lava to pop these bubbles before they reach the Orb.

  • Objective: Survive as long as possible by reaching higher waves. Each wave increases in difficulty, with more intense rain and a surge in bubble numbers, symbolizing the calm before the storm.
  • Gameplay Mechanics:
    • Towers: Positioned on lava, these towers are your primary defence. They can be upgraded to become more efficient at popping bubbles.
    • Currency: Earn money by destroying bubbles, which can be used to upgrade or place new towers.
    • Power-Ups: Collect hearts for extra lives, tornadoes to clear the screen, and money boosts.


  • W, A, S, D: Move and rotate your view to strategically place towers.
  • 1, 2, 3: Select and place different types of towers on Lava.
  • E: Upgrade the selected tower.
  • Esc: Press ( x ) to Exit Tutorial popup.

Experience the Heat: Bubble Blaster 3D TD is not just a game; it's a test of strategy and endurance. How long can you keep the fire burning against the relentless tide of water bubbles? Join the jam, and let's see how you fare in the calm before the storm!

Updated 2 days ago
Published 4 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsTower Defense


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Well done. This game shows a lot of promise!


Hey, tried your game as I really love tower defense games haha! So when I see TD, I click! XD

Here's my feedback!

# Design feedback

1) I think the game would work better if you used the WASD to move and Mouse to look and aim. Not only is it more comfortable, it's the standard control for most games so it takes less time for people to get used to it and less confusion to have to adapt to a new unfamiliar control. Especially in a jam, familiar controls speed up the player onboarding process.

2) If you want to keep the WASD controls for looking, then the Numpad 1/2/3 keys should be usable. My left hand is always on the WASD, and I wanted to press the numpad keys with my right hand, but they didn't work.

3) I lost quite a bit of time wondering why I couldn't place towers on the land, until I learnt that they can only be placed on Lava. Normally I'd place the towers on land and not lava as lava = danger. There was no feedback to tell me why I couldn't place them. Although I eventually learnt it, I think it's better to indicate this important information to the player somehow, especially for those who hang around in the starting area too long, wondering why the turret controls aren't working.

4) Not sure if there's any difference to the three towers. I get that in TD games there's always the stereotypical fast and slow tower, but at the end they're all just DPS (damage per second) inflictors. I think it would be cool to spice things up by giving the towers abilities, like slow, poison, and even synergize them. An example of synergy would be that a tower that sets a poisoned enemy on fire deals double damage. Otherwise I would just mathematically place the highest DPS tower, and not use the rest, since the only thing that matters is damage - and this would lead to a pretty boring gameplay from a designer's perspective.

# Graphics Feedback

I think making the lava move would be a nice touch. Just having it scroll alone would make it look like really scary lava!

# Theme

I didn't quite get the storm theme until I realise that it was raining, maybe the storm could do things like summon enemies or spawn powerups to make it more relevant.

# Polish

Some screenshake or blood screen effect to tell me when my base has been hit and lost HP. On second playthrough, I see that you added a sound effect for it, but I didn't know that it was from my orb getting hit as it was a bubble 'pop' sound, which I thought was from the enemy bubble dying as the enemy is a bubble.

# Loved

I liked the $$ that appear on the tiles haha. It really uses the maze design and puts the first person controls to good use! I found myself trying to maze my way to them! Coupled with the minimap, it's a really unique twist on the typical TD game where you're just the god at the top that can fly over the land.

Overall, good job! 

Thank you for the Feedback, all the above is amazing, wish I had more time! my brains fried atm :), long night needed haha! 

Sure! Totally understand, and same here, brain needs de-frying after this haha XDD


 thank you for playing <3, nicely done! now can you beat my score!

Done! Very fun and great game logic, only feedback is movement is a bit disorienting. 

HighScore: Zyphullen